Nail Lamp Beads LED PCB Assembly UV LED Light Diodes Aluminum Plate For DIY Nail Dryer


LED Nail Lamp. It uses Light Emitting Diode to cure nails. These long-lasting bulbs produce light of a particular frequency which is used to activate photoreactions in gelpolish to cause it to harden and remain in place for long. They are typically expensive as they are more durable in the long run

A nail lamp is an essential equipment in any salon, together with the tools you already got used to like the lighted vanity mirrors, or facial steamers. It is necessary for curing traditional polish and is an absolute necessity for gel setting. Gel polish does not harden properly under normal lighting conditions. With the rise of gel polish in the manicure market, they became necessary for most salon owners for better clients satisfaction.

Just about anyone who’s into it can own one. They are portable, easy to use and not very expensive. They are also very easy to maintain, and you can easily get one from the market for yourself.

They come in two popular variants: LED Nail Lamp and UV nail lamp – Both emit radiation per se but on different wavelengths. While LED features less radiation spectrum, most ultraviolet lamps feature a wide range of radiation spectrum. There’s actually a compromise between these two on the market which seems to be well received by both sides: the UV-LED nail dryers, but more on these later.

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